Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why I love Crafting

Happy New Year!

Now that 2012 is over I am actually glad.
After the tragedy in my town, it has been difficult for me to pick up where I left off in my crafting.

That's what I love about needle felting, sewing, crocheting, etc.
I can do it in the house and I don't have to exert a ton of energy.
Now if I could only sell some of my items it would be great.

For those of you who are new to selling your wares, the two top site are Etsy and eBay.
I find Etsy difficult to sell on.  I don't know why.  I think I just do not put into the advertising what I must to get found.  There's also a lot of competition.

Ebay on the other hand was always a great way for me to sell...anything.
So, today I post two needle felted items on ebay and we will see how it goes.

I am re-grouping and trying to produce things that people would actually want.
I know people love my work but they don't buy it.
I think it is hard for people to pay a good sum of money for something they cannot hold in their hands. 
I did much better at the craft sales.

Well, that's it for today.
If anyone has questions about needle felting or anything craft based, give me a shout.

Happy Friday.